Laurelwood, Oregon

Laurelwood: Laurelwood is a city in Washington County, Oregon


Laurelwood is a city located in the county of Washington in the U.S. state of Oregon.

Quick Facts about Laurelwood

State : Oregon (United States)
County : Washington County
Time Zone : America/Los_Angeles
Local time : 22:51:44 (5th May 2024)


Laurelwood is located at 45°25'22"N 123°4'51"W (45.4228900, -123.0809400).

Laurelwood map

Schools in Laurelwood

College & universities near Laurelwood, OR

Code Name City ZIP
209612 Pacific University Forest Grove (OR) 97116
441168 Northwest College-Hillsboro Hillsboro (OR) 97123
208822 George Fox University Newberg (OR) 97132
209083 Northwest College-Beaverton Beaverton (OR) 97005
210076 Pioneer Pacific College Beaverton (OR) 97005

Stations (19)

Amtrak & bus stations near Laurelwood, OR

Code Name Address Type
MNI Manning, Oregon 47000 Highway 26 BUS
WBN Woodburn, OR 2900 Tom Tennant Drive BUS
PDG Portland, OR 550 NW 6th Avenue BUS
PDX Union Station 800 NW Sixth Ave. RAIL
ORC Oregon City station 1757 Washington Street RAIL

Post offices near Laurelwood

Post Office Name City ZIP
Gaston Post Office Gaston (OR) 97119

Other cities in Washington County

Cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Washington County , OR. (more)

City Name Population Title
Hillsboro 110,985 The most populous city in Washington County, Oregon.
Beaverton 98,957 The most populous city in Washington County, Oregon.
Tigard 56,049 The most populous city in Washington County, Oregon.
Aloha 49,425 A city in Clackamas County, Oregon.
Tualatin 27,481 City in Oregon, USA
Forest Grove 25,442 City in Oregon, USA
Bethany 20,646 Unincorporated community in Washington County, Oregon, United States
Sherwood 19,746 City in Oregon, USA
Cedar Mill 14,546 Unincorporated community in Washington County, Oregon
Cornelius 13,116 City in Oregon, USA
Oak Hills 11,333 Census-designated place in Washington County, Oregon, United States
Rockcreek 9,316 Unincorporated community in Oregon
Cedar Hills 8,300 City in Utah County, Utah, United States
West Slope 6,554 Unincorporated suburb of Portland, in Washington County, Oregon, U.
Raleigh Hills 5,896 Census-designated neighborhood in Washington County, Oregon, United States
King City 4,408 City in Oregon, USA