Schwindegg, Province 2

Schwindegg: Municipality of Germany


Quick Facts about Schwindegg

Population : 3,588
Country : Germany
State : Province 2 (Germany)
Head of government : Q57521912
Postal code : 84419
Phone Area Codes : 08082
Area : 20.77 km2
Altitude : 1,414 feet / 431 meters
Time Zone : UTC+01:00, UTC+02:00
Local time : 02:02:53 (15th June 2024)


Schwindegg is located at 48°16'0"N 12°15'0"E (48.2666667, 12.25). It has 3 neighbors: Obertaufkirchen, Dorfen and Ampfing.

Schwindegg map

Schwindegg has 3 neighbours.

  • Obertaufkirchen municipality of Germany
  • Dorfen town in Bavaria, Germany
  • Ampfing municipality in the district of Mühldorf in Bavaria in Germany


Year Population % Change Method
1875 687 - census
1925 802 14.34% census
1950 1,156 30.62% census
1970 1,665 30.57% census
1975 1,965 15.27% statistical updating
1987 2,661 26.16% census
2010 3,422 22.24% census
2011 3,419 -0.09% statistical updating
2012 3,455 1.04% statistical updating
2013 3,446 -0.26% statistical updating
2014 3,456 0.29% statistical updating
2015 3,532 2.15% statistical updating
2016 3,580 1.34% statistical updating
2017 3,584 0.11% statistical updating
2019 3,588 0.11% statistical updating