Halfing, Bavaria

Halfing: Municipality of Germany


Quick Facts about Halfing

Population : 2,835
Country : Germany
State : Bavaria (Germany)
County : Upper Bavaria
Head of government : Q57522021
Postal code : 83128
Plate code : RO
Phone Area Codes : 08055
Altitude : 1,647 feet / 502 meters
Time Zone : UTC+02:00, UTC+01:00
Local time : 15:46:09 (1st June 2024)


Halfing is located at 47°57'7"N 12°16'31"E (47.9519700, 12.2752500). It has 2 neighbors: Vogtareuth and Sochtenau.

Halfing map

    Q58334082 ,

Halfing has 2 neighbours.


Year Population % Change Method
1875 862 - census
1925 1,281 32.71% census
1950 1,815 29.42% census
1970 1,755 -3.42% census
1975 1,896 7.44% census
1987 2,005 5.44% census
2011 2,614 23.3% statistical updating
2012 2,638 0.91% statistical updating
2013 2,666 1.05% statistical updating
2014 2,694 1.04% statistical updating
2015 2,700 0.22% statistical updating
2016 2,840 4.93% statistical updating
2017 2,859 0.66% statistical updating
2019 2,835 -0.85% statistical updating

Halfing bei Endorff