Cities & Towns in Gemeente Eindhoven, 06

Gemeente Eindhoven, municipality in the Netherlands. As of 2020 county had an estimated population of 231,642 inhabitants.

There are 7 city/town in Gemeente Eindhoven, 06. The largest city of Gemeente Eindhoven is Eindhoven with a population of 231,642. Other cities include, De Doornakkers population 6,345, Eckart population 4,300, Muschberg en Geestenberg population 3,836, Jagershoef population 3,560


Eindhoven, Municipality in the Netherlands

De Doornakkers

De Doornakkers,



All Gemeente Eindhoven Cities (Aphebetical)

List of cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Gemeente Eindhoven.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z all
City Name Title Population
't Hofke 3,475
De Doornakkers 6,345
Eckart 4,300
Eindhoven Municipality in the Netherlands 231,642
Jagershoef 3,560
Lievendaal 3,175
Muschberg en Geestenberg 3,836