Ferolles Attilly (Férolles-Attilly), Île-de-France

Ferolles Attilly: Commune in Seine-et-Marne, France


Quick Facts about Férolles-Attilly

Population : 1,237
Country : France
State : Île-de-France (France)
County : Seine-et-Marne
Head of government : Mayor of Férolles-Attilly
Postal code : 77150
Area : 12.76 km2
Official name : Férolles-Attilly
Male population : 634
Female population : 603
Time Zone : UTC+01:00, UTC+02:00
Local time : 21:00:01 (18th June 2024)


Férolles-Attilly is located at 48°43'55"N 2°37'51"E (48.7318400, 2.6308800). It has 4 neighbors: Ozoir la Ferriere, Lesigny, Chevry Cossigny and Brie Comte Robert.

Ferolles Attilly map

    Anne-Laure Fontbonne ,

Férolles-Attilly has 4 neighbours.


Year Population % Change Method
2013 1,158 - statistical updating
2015 1,190 2.69% census
2016 1,241 4.11% statistical updating
2017 1,237 -0.32% census

Ferolles-Attilly, Férolles-Attilly