Tromello, Lombardy

Tromello: Italian comune


Quick Facts about Tromello

Population : 3,795
Country : Italy
State : Lombardy (Italy)
County : Provincia di Pavia
Postal code : 27020
Plate code : PV
Phone Area Codes : 0382
Area : 35.5 km2
Easternmost point : Point(8.9021664 45.2205671)
Northernmost point : Point(8.8775877 45.2376148)
Patron saint : Martin of Tours
Altitude : 318 feet / 97 meters
Capital : Tromello
Time Zone : UTC+01:00, UTC+02:00
Local time : 00:18:20 (18th June 2024)


Tromello is located at 45°12'32"N 8°52'14"E (45.2089000, 8.8705400). It has 5 neighbors: San Giorgio di Lomellina, Ottobiano, Garlasco, Gambolo and Borgo San Siro.

Tromello map

Tromello has 5 neighbours.


Year Population % Change Method
2017 3,780 - demographic balance
2018 3,795 0.4% demographic balance