Berning Mill, Minnesota

Berning Mill: Berning Mill is a city in Hennepin County, Minnesota


Berning Mill is a city located in the county of Hennepin in the U.S. state of Minnesota.

Quick Facts about Berning Mill

State : Minnesota (United States)
County : Hennepin County
Time Zone : America/Chicago
Local time : 01:47:22 (3rd May 2024)


Berning Mill is located at 45°12'25"N 93°37'28"W (45.2069100, -93.6244100).

Berning Mill map

Schools in Berning Mill

College & universities near Berning Mill, MN

Code Name City ZIP
172954 Anoka Technical College Anoka (MN) 55303

Stations (3)

Amtrak & bus stations near Berning Mill, MN

Code Name Address Type
MSP Saint Paul Union Depot Midway Station RAIL
SCD St. Cloud 555 East St. Germain Street RAIL
RDW Red Wing station 420 Levee Street RAIL

Post offices near Berning Mill

Post Office Name City ZIP
Saint Michael Post Office Saint Michael (MN) 55376

Other cities in Hennepin County

Cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Hennepin County , MN. (more)

City Name Population Title
Minneapolis 433,111 The largest city in Minnesota, Minneapolis is a major center for business, finance, and culture.
Bloomington 84,583 The most populous city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Plymouth 79,635 The second most populous city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Brooklyn Park 79,574 The third most populous city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Maple Grove 72,881 The second most populous city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Eden Prairie 64,894 The most populous city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
West Co on Rapids 62,528 A city in Anoka County, Minnesota.
Minnetonka 55,370 The most populous city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Edina 52,477 The most populous city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Minnetonka Mills 50,117 A city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Saint Louis Park 48,821 The most populous city in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Richfield 36,237 City in Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States
Brooklyn Center 30,253 City in Hennepin County, Minnesota
Champlin 25,049 City in Hennepin County, Minnesota
Crystal 22,581 City in Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States
New Hope 20,641 City in Hennepin County, Minnesota